
I think now is as good a time as any for some good old self-reflection. I just turned 27, after a 26 that wasn’t anywhere near what I wanted it to be. More fool me for getting so excited about its prospects, huh? Lol what a clown.

But, 27. It feels fresh. It feels new. It feels like a new beginning.

So, what exactly did I learn from 26? What can I take forward? There are definitely some positives to move forward with. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Body positivity

I have never been the most confident person in, well, anything. Ask anyone. I never thought I’d actually be happy and confident in my own skin, and with my own body, and whereas I think I still have a long way to go to be completely confident in my own skin, I think 26 was the year I finally learned to embrace my own body and see it with the confidence it deserved.

A path

In my 27 years of life so far, I have remained a little (or a lot) lost. Lost in the world. Feeling like I’m just sort of here, drifting on through, not really putting down roots or finding my place.

I still haven’t.

I thought I was going to in 26.

Guess, I was wrong. Thanks 2020.

27 feels pretty good, though. Hopeful.

And if there is one thing 26 has taught me, it’s that maybe possibly I’ve found a path to follow. I hope so. I feel pretty excited and stoked about this one. Stay tuned. We’re going places baby. Working hard and getting that success.

No regrets

If there’s one thing I think we have all learned from this year, it’s to just fucking go for it. Don’t wait ’til you’re ready, you’ll probably never be ready anyway. Nothing in life is guaranteed and you never know what’s around the corner, so take that chance and get the fuck out there while you still can. You’ll regret the what ifs so much more than the oh nos.


If there is one thing I’m grateful for this year, it’s the people who make me feel like I belong and I’m important in this world when I’m struggling to. So, to you guys, thank you. I honestly don’t know where or who I’d be without you. You complete me and make me a better and brighter person just by being near to you, even if you’re not all so near. Especially not this year. I love you. I hope you’re all doing well, staying safe, glowing, thriving.

Important things

This year has sucked. I don’t think that’s really up for debate. I suppose it’s shown us a few of the important things though. And I guess it’s been a pretty good year for self-reflection. Like, what I love, who I am, who I want to be, where I want to be, what I want to be doing. Let’s look ahead to all those things and make them happen despite the set backs, road blocks and just plain fucking catastrophe that was this year and all its obstacles.

Happy things

We’ve all spent so long focussing on the negative and the bad this year. It was hard not to, wasn’t it? But here are a list of things that have made me happy this year. Will they be focussed, and in any order? Absolutely not. Will they be as messy and chaotic as me? Oh, absolutely. Here we go:




The night sky

My dogs

My cats




Gigs (need them back asap but got a few in before it all went to shit)

Social media (yeah, I know, it’s been dreadful and wonderful, it’s like marmite only all at once)

The sea



Getting active

Makeup (getting back into being my creative self again hell yeah)

Drawing (we’re going back to this and it is therapeutic af)

The sims


Essential oils


Comfy clothes

Planning world domination (no, really)

Got a smile on my face

love my reflection

in a better place

no longer stressing

and I swear

I’m never gonna lose me again

Happiness – Little Mix.

So, 26. You showed me how. Paved the way. Put me through hell. Taught me a fair bit.

27? Let’s fucking go. You seem hopeful. Bright. Bold. Sparkly. Fresh. New. I choose to believe you’ll bring about that whole world domination thing. Gotta dream big, after all.

Until next time

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